SONOFF Universal Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus Gateway with Antenna for Home Assistant and more
SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle – ZigBee Dongle Plus
SONOFF ZBDongle-P is a universal Zigbee USB stick.
It can be used as a Zigbee gateway in Home Assistant, Zigbee2MQTT, or other open-source platforms to locally control all your Zigbee devices, so you don't need to invest in different brands' Zigbee hubs, all you need is a universal gateway - Dongle Plus!
The dongle plus has a wide range of supported devices, such as ZBMINI-L, SNZB01, SNZB02, SNZB03, SNZB04, S26R2ZB, S40 LITE ZB.
Dongle Plus is pre-flashed with coordinator firmware, you can also flash router firmware to extend the network range.
Dongle Plus support a variety of common systems, like the HAS-T4, Linux, Ubuntu, Raspbian, Windows, macOS (Windows and macOS require corresponding driver installation).
- Pre-flashed with Zigbee coordinator firmware out of box
- Support smart home platforms like Home Assistant, Zigbee2MQTT and so on
- Based on CC2652P
- +20dBm output gain
- Aluminum housing effectively reduces signal interference from peripherals
- Optional 1.5m USB extension cable for better signal range
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